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"Serving the needs of the home & small churches in our cities, states; and all across the nation!"


Greetings in the Name of Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. It is a pleasure to come before you as a servant of GOD and a brother indeed. I would like to introduce to you T.H.O.R. International Fellowship of Churches & Ministries Inc. We are dedicated to the Teaching the Unadulterated work of GOD and The Evangelistic Ministry which focuses on assisting those in ministry with their healing, salvation and deliverance vision. The vision that GOD has place in you is greater than even you and I could imagine because our GOD is Awesome. I am writing to share a little of what is on the rise for the T.H.O.R. International Fellowship of Churches & Ministries Inc. I don’t know about you but I am ready to fight a good fight, are you ready?

Often times, it’s not that GOD has not given the Leader the Vision, it’s that the leader has lost sight of the vision due to a number of different responsibilities and obligations, however the result is the same; the work of the LORD and the Kingdom is not being taught the way that GOD has put it into the heart of His man or woman of GOD. As one who has served in the wars of this world, it has prepared me to serve and fight in the Spiritual Realm as well. Regardless to what we would prefer to believe and want, we are at War Right Now!

Leaders, we have a responsibility to prepare our churches for the battle, naturally, emotionally, economically and spiritually. We are to use the Whole Armor of GOD and each position is to be known for the varied strategies of battle. It’s time to be brought back under the love of GOD and the Power of His Might. He loved us enough to wrap Himself in Flesh to come and save us to be redeemed back to Him from Sin. Don’t you think it’s time for the leaders to remind their churches as to why we are who we are?

We are Christian Believers, are you?

How can you remind them of who they are until, you yourselves have been refreshed and renewed!

The Vision in You is ready to be fully birthed: Proverbs 29:18; "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

The law of GOD’s love will stand, and it is the job of the leaders to demonstrate that and make the changes necessary to do so. Please indulge me for another moment to explain a little about who we are and a little about our history so that you can understand our hearts appointment and mandate by GOD for His people. The future work in GOD’s presence and with His people is first of all coming from you, because the vision for this church and fellowship came from GOD directly to you.

We are T.H.O.R. International Fellowship of Churches & Ministries Inc., a teaching, healing, deliverance and restoration fellowship with purpose of the Heart. The purpose of the “Spiritual Warfare Advanced Teaching or (S.W.A.T.)” is a training manual to strengthen you and your team in order for you to re-enlist into the battle.

It’s often forgotten that leaders get beaten, and frustrated too. We are able to take your strategy, and enhance, educate and give perspective on how you will be able to move in this time, and for this season. We are not coming to you with the intention to take anything over, as a matter of fact, the way this has been designed by GOD is that we are simply on an assignment, which includes confidentiality from your people and even your family if need be. We will be introduced as friend or business consultants, who specialize in the development of leadership, until otherwise you are comfortable to give further explanation as to why we have been sent. We are in the business of snatching the souls from hell and that means at any cost. When you contact us for your assessment and evaluation, we will be available for a phone consultation for a time to meet and a collaborate insight on how to move forward.

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